This card is based on whats known as the "Surgeon's Photograph"

It was taken in 1934 and is probably the most famous picture of "Nessie" It was, at the time, considered good evidence for the existence of the Loch Ness Monster due to it showing the head and neck of the creature where as prior photographs only showed humps and water disturbances. It was supposedly taken by Robert Kenneth Wilson of London and published in The Daily Mail in April 21 1934. When it ran Wilson refused to have his name run with the picture and with him being a doctor came the name Surgeon's Photograph.
This card however could just as easily been in the Hoax sub-set as many years later it was revealed that the photo was a fake. A man by the name of Christian Spurling who formerly worked for The Daily Mail was the one who actually sent it in to the paper. It was actually a toy submarine with carved wood for the head and neck. He sent it in after his father-in-law was ridiculed by the publication.

Also from my favorite sub-set we have The Vampire. I love vampires. Always have. I love reading about them, and watching movies about them. All the way back to the silent movie classic Nosferatu, which at the time was considered so scary people actually fainted in the audience while watching it. Here's a picture.

The scene with him rising straight up out of his coffin stiff as a board is still one of my favorite cinematic moments ever. For any other Vamp fans out there I recommend Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse Series of books. They have been turned into the very popular HBO series True Blood which is also very good. It is a different take on the whole Vampire idea. In both the show and book the Vampires "Come out of the Coffin" and admit to the world they are real and try to live in modern society. Very Interesting.
Well I think i've gone on enough of a tangent here. Just wanna say thanks again to Night Owl. I will keep my eyes peeled for anything you need in the future. And between Night Owl, another package I got which I will mention in a future post, and a recent trip to the card store I am VERY close to completing the 2006 Topps Set. Please help me finish this one off.
Glad both packages showed up. Hate sending them separate like that. The Nessie card is very cool. The background on the photo is interesting.