Don't get me wrong I still needed a ton of series 1 but I need a whole lot more series 2. I made out pretty well though, eliminating 122 cards from my want list. Here's some notes on this set.

First we have a bunch of the Score All-star cards. I like the look of these. Then again I've always been a fan of the drawn look. Plus the big heads make me laugh. Canseco's is probably in proportion though. Which brings me to....

Body by Roids. Ha! This looks more like a cover of Playgirl than a baseball card. I think the only card that "topps" this one is the Upperdeck card that calls him the best "natural" athlete. I can't remember the year. I think that may have been their 91 set also.

I like these too. Score should have taken the K-Men, the All-stars, the Dream Team and rookie cards and made them into inserts instead of making this set an ungodly 893 cards big.
What are your thoughts on the set? Let me know and please check out my want lists to help me finish this one off.
I absolutely love the design, colors and photography of this set. Too bad there are 900,000 cases of this stuff buried in Yucca Mountain.